Studi Deskriptif Gambaran Pola Asuh Pada Pelaku Pedophilia


  • Bambang Iswanto Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Yuninda Tria Ningsih Universitas Negeri Padang



Parenting Styles, Pedophiles


Sexual violence is a phenomenon that often occurs in the world and in Indonesia. Data showed that victims of sexual crimes are dominated by the 13-17 age group, while perpetrators are dominated by the 25-44 age group. In this case, adults who commit sexual crimes against children are called pedophiles. This study aims to determine the type of parenting that is most highly applied to pedophilia perpetrators. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods. The research was conducted on inmates of correctional institutions with child protection cases. The results showed that the subjects in this study received permissive and authoritarian parenting types in the high category, while democratic parenting was in the low category. It can be concluded that permissive and authoritarian parenting are the types of parenting most often applied to pedophilia offenders. 


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How to Cite

Iswanto, B., & Ningsih, Y. T. . (2024). Studi Deskriptif Gambaran Pola Asuh Pada Pelaku Pedophilia. Journal of Practice Learning and Educational Development, 4(3).